October 5 End

Home Up

While We Were Out

Teams Coming In

"Too Much Fun"  Carole and Ace, Dan and Shai

"Zipper Lips"  Lee and Sonny, Barry and Classy

"Happy Trails"  Robin and Scotty, Evelyn and Gunner

Jesse and Doc

Alan and Trio, Kelly and Scandal, Wendy and Reba

No, he's not bleeding - just drinking Gatorade!


"Girls Like Cowboys"

Clinton and Lightning, Sophie and Woody, Kendra and Beauty, Tim and Gunner

The Awards

First Place:  "Too Much Fun" (but they had to leave early)

Second Place:  "Zipper Lips"

Third Place:  "S & S" (Sidewinders & Saddle Bums)

Fourth Place:  "Girls Like Cowboys"

Fifth Place:  "Happy Trails"

Heading Home

October 5 Start

October 5 Continued

October 5 End

2013 Ride Menu
