Award Banquet

Home Up

December 5, 2009
At the Moose Family Center
Boise, Idaho

Good Food, Fun Gifts, Nice Awards,
a Slide Show Remembrance, and
a Great Time Visiting with Friends!

A new addition this year

Members and their families gathered to
chat before dinner from 6:00 until 7:00

John and Jennifer made it back from the Ukraine Friday night
just in time to join us for the festivities!  Pictured here are
their daughter Joella (R) and their new daughter Vala (L)

Wendy and Atul

Ride Manager Awards:

Alan (and Tim, not shown) for Antelope Spring

Kyle, Carole, and Lee for Dry Buck

Dan, Barry, and Jon for Baumgartner

Joanie, Bob, Christine, Jan, and John for Ear Creek

Sue (and Candy, not shown), Sarah, Jennifer, and John for Smoky Dome

Pat, Robin, and Evelyn (back) and Caitlin, Megan, and Michael (front)
for the Training Ride, Fossil Butte, Tripod Meadow, and Grimes Creek

High Point Awards:

High Point Team:  "Zipper Lips" Dan, Barry, and Jon

High Point Male, High Point Female, and High Point Youth
"Crash and Bonkers" Lee, Carole, and Kyle

High Point Horses (a tie):  Zeus, owned and ridden by Dan
and Sir Charles, owned by Barry and ridden by Jon

Bronze Medallions for Riders:

150 points: Wendy and Richard (not shown)
300 points: Kyle and Christine
450 points: Carole, Lee, and John

Silver Medallions for Riders:

Dan (1200 points)        Bob (1050 points)

Gold Medallions for Riders:

1500 Points: Sue and Alan

Platinum Medallions for Riders:

Barry (2550 points    Evelyn (2400 points)    Jon (2250 points)

Bronze Medallions for Steeds:

Jennifer's Pepper Sauce (600 points), Christine's Bandit (200 points)
Lee's Sonny (400 points), and Barry's Sir Charles (600 points)

Silver Medallions for Steeds

Alan's Trio (1200 points)

500 Point Merit Awards:

Jennifer (1000 points), John (500 points), Sue (1500 points), and Alan (1500 points)

2009 Ride Menu
