June 8

Home Up

Poison Gulch

Hosted by Happy Trails:  Evelyn, Robin, and Patricia
and their trusty steeds Scotty and Gunner


Cool clouds on the way to the ride Friday evening!

Mammatus Clouds


Time for the shoot out... At High Noon!

Evelyn and Daisy doing the paperwork

"Three Amigos" Toni and Sassy, Amy and Nemo, John Shorty

"Hot to Trot" Raina and Cali, Rita and Ransom, Darell and Duke

Greg and Whitey

"Shade Hunters" Ellen and Ernie, Shane and Ella, Laurajean and JJ

"Renegades" Lee and Shadow, Christine and Bandet

"Brush Poppers" Jesse and Sage, Atul and Coyote

"Cir-Zipper-4-Lips" Joanie and Racine, Laurie and J'Lo, Barry and Mariah

"Die Hards 2"  Mike and Sassy, Candy and Red

"Die Hards 1"  Morgan and Swisher, Andrea and Handsome,
Sue and Hank, Dennis and Skippy

Dusty just going for a ride

The rustlers left their coffee pot on the fire...

and threw their coffee cups in the bushes when they ran

The Sheriff and the Deputy hid behind the bushes

The rustlers in their hideout

Deputy Andrea and Handsome rock hopping

Looking down on #3 from the top across the valley

Up the trail along Poison Creek from #3 to #4

They say "curiosity killed the cat" but I think it was the cow!

Looking down on the valley toward #4 from the hill above #5

Barry and Mariah at #5

Joanie and Racine, Laurie and J'Lo

Pink Cushion Buckwheat

Daisy all tuckered out from a long day of setting markers

Wild onion

John Shorty, Toni and Sassy, Amy and Nemo

Sulfur Buckwheet

The "race" back to camp

You can't get by Christine!

Raina and Cali, Rita and Ransom, Darell and Duke

Greg and Whitey

Mike and Sassy, Candy and Red

Sue and Hank

Morgan and Swisher, Andrea and Handsome

Dennis and Skippy

Deputy Dusty

Sixth Place:  Three Amigos - Deputies Toni, Ann, and John

Fifth Place:  Hot to Trot - Deputies Darell and Rita

Fourth Place: Cir-Zipper-4-Lips - Deputies Barry, Joanie, and Laurie

Third Place: Shade Hunters

Second Place:  Renegades - Deputies Christine and Lee

First Place: Brush Poppers - Deputies Atul and Jesse

Ransom made such a great background for the pictures

Deputies Mike and Candy

Deputies Andrea, Morgan, Dennis, and Sue

Christine's nephew, Deputy Lukas (he even had his own bacge)

Pat and the kids headed out to pick up markers, but ran out of gas...
so Sue and Christine took gas (from Christine's brother) out to save them.

2019 Ride Menu
