July 20

Home Up

Ear Creek

Hosted by Renegades:  Lee and Christine
and their trusty steeds Shadow, P3, and Bandit

Clearing Trail

Thursday Night

Setting out the markers Friday

What a view!

Friday Night


Teams Timing Out

Circle 4

Die Hards II

Kathryn and Rock

Tracy and Chance

Shade Hunters:  Jaurajean and JJ, Ellen and Ernie, Shane and Ella

Die Hards:  Andrea and Swisher, Sue and Hank, Dennis and Skippy

Hot to Trot:  Raina and Gunner, Darell and Duke

Shaws:  Nowell and Cisco, Brad and Riggins

Zipper Lips:  Jayme and Freckles, Jennifer and Ricochet, Berry and Mariah

Teams coming into camp

Lucky Ladies:  Kathryn and Rock, Tracy and Chance

Die Hards

Circle 4:  Joanie and Raycine, Laurie and Jack

Zipper Lips

Die Hards II:  Candy and Sassy, Mike and Jim, Zach and Blondie

Poor Blondie had a little accident


Grilled burgers for lunch

First Place:  Shade Hunters

Second Place:  Zipper Lips

Third Place:  Die Hards

Fourth Place:  Hot to Trot

Fifth Place:  Lucky Ladies

Sixth Place:  Circle 4

2019 Ride Menu
