Lynett, Shelly, Joanie, and Matt
Looking back down the trail towards #5 between #4 and #5
Looking back down the trail towards #5 between #4 and #5
Melissa and Tess, Gayla and Malik
Jake and Stormy followed by Raina and Christine
Raina and Macho, Christine and Blondie
Audrey and Piper (B&W) - I'm not sure of the other two (if you know who they
are, please let me know)
I'm not sure who this is (if you know who he is, please let me know)
Jesse and Cowboy
Cyndi and Rocky, Wendy and Roanie, Atul and Sadie
I'm not sure who this is (if you know who they are, please let me know)
I'm not sure who this is (if you know who they are, please let me know)
Cherie and Dreamer, Marinda and Splotch, Janie and Fuzz, Wayne and Roz, Alan
and Trio
Looking up the creek at #4
Indian Paintbrush
That road way over there is the road to camp...
Jesse and Wendy coming down the road to work with Rocky on creek crossing
Lee and Sonny almost to #4
Hawkbit (?)
The other half of the ride
(thanks Jackie, Lynett, and Matt for taking pictures!)
Joanie, Shelly, Matt, and Lynett
Matt and Shelly
Matt and Joanie at #3
Joanie taking a bearing at #5
One team headed from #5 back to camp, one team on its way into #5
Lynett, Christine, Jesse, Wendy, Atul, Cindy, Shelly, and Joanie passing on the
Jean and Gracie coming up the trail from #5 to camp