Lava Mountain
Hosted by The Sidewinders
Alan, Tim, Wayne, and Marinda
The Ride Managers:
the Loertscher Family
Finding #1
Timing Out:
"Sunrise Sidekicks" Sunny on Chinook and Bruce on Amigo
"Circle 4" Christine and Bandit, Joanie, and Bob
"Crash and Bonkers" Lee and Sonny, Kyle and Thunder, Carole and Bunny
"Zipper Lips" Barry and Classy, Forrest and Chaarles
"Die Hards" Sue and Todd
Sue on Buzz, Todd on Broadnia
The way not to walk up behind your horse?
"Melba Toast" Jennifer on Pepper Sauce, John on Dartanian
Judy on Mr. G
Kelly on Belle, Aaron on Prince
John on Teton
"Drifters" Jackie on Nancy, and the rest named above
"Happy Trails" Evelyn on Gunner
On the Trail:
I could not get the gate open to go to #2, so we decided to go
to #5 first.
That way we would also see all the teams that were still out on the trail.
However, the pictures will look backwards to everyone who went to #2 first.
We took this sign seriously :>)
Circle 4
Bruce and Sunny
Barry (notice that he no longer has a hat on.
He lost it at #3 but didn't take time to retrieve it!)
and Forrest (notice they are both on a horse of a different color)